July 31, 2020
Our West Toledo and Oregon Branches Are Open!

Welcome Back
Harmony now available!We've taken our friendly service a step further...there's a new member experience at our West Toledo and Oregon branches! Harmony allows you to speak with a live SFCU employee on the screen!

With Harmony you can:

  • Withdraw cash or coin
  • Make loan or mortgage payments
  • Transfer money between SFCU accounts
  • Deposit up to 30 checks or dollar bills at the same time
  • Use as a traditional ATM with your debit card and PIN

In-Person Service   
You can continue to expect helpful in-branch staff ready to serve you! The addition of Harmony has even created opportunities for our employees to be promoted and new job openings to welcome additional staff.

Branch employees are available to:

  • Introduce you to our new experience.
  • Help you understand your credit report, budgeting, applying for a loan or anything else that's on your mind.