Create a Budget

Before choosing an apartment, figure out all your expenses first (food, utilities, transportation, entertainment). Estimate your monthly expenses and make sure you have money left over for unforeseen expenses.

Learn to Cook

Dining at restaurants can quickly empty your checking account. Learn a few recipes and make your own meals as often as possible.

Turn off the Lights

You’ll be paying your own utility bills now, so you’re going to see why your parents were yelling about turning off lights. Also, if you’re paying for heat, turn your thermostat down before leaving for the day.

Go Easy on the Credit

Use just one credit card and commit to using it only for emergencies. Relying on credit to finance fun can rack up some really scary interest charges.

Create an Emergency Fund

Life is full of surprises. Your car breaks down, a cop catches you speeding, or coffee gets spilled on your laptop. Open a savings account to handle these unexpected expenses.

Your friends at Sun Federal CU can share tips to help you prepare for adulting your own. No need to go it alone! Give us a call today!